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. 2020 Apr 22;12:58. doi: 10.1186/s13148-020-00850-4

Table 1.

Baseline descriptive statistics of included participants (N = 364)

Alive (N = 273) Dead (N = 91)
Characteristic N Frequency N Frequency P value
 Male 209 76.6% 75 82.4% 0.242
 Female 64 23.4% 16 17.6%
Age at enrolment
 < 44 20 7.3% 3 3.3% 0.016
 45 to 54 83 30.4% 22 24.2%
 55 to 64 113 41.4% 34 37.4%
 65 to 74 48 17.6% 22 24.2%
 75 + 9 3.3% 10 11.0%
TNM stage
 Low (I–II) 39 14.3% 8 8.8% 0.176
 High (III–IV) 234 85.7% 83 91.2%
HPV status
 Negative 61 22.3% 48 52.7% < 0.001
 Positive 212 77.7% 43 47.3%
BMI group
 Not overweight 73 38.0% 31 55.4% 0.021
 Overweight or obese 119 62.0% 25 44.6%
 None 164 60.1% 34 37.4% < 0.001
 Mild 73 26.7% 29 31.9%
 Moderate/severe 36 13.2% 28 30.8%
Education level
 School education 116 42.5% 45 49.5% 0.470
 College 111 40.7% 34 37.4%
 Degree 46 16.8% 12 13.2%
Self-reported smoking status
 Never 96 35.2% 11 12.1% < 0.001
 Former 140 51.3% 49 53.8%
 Current 37 13.6% 31 34.1%
Self-reported alcohol intake
 Non-drinker 75 27.5% 22 24.2% 0.119
 Moderate 68 24.9% 15 16.5%
 Hazardous-harmful 130 47.6% 54 59.3%

BMI body mass index, HPV human papillomavirus, N number.aComorbidity was defined using the Adult Comorbidity Evaluation-27 (ACE-27) index [37]. For the purposes of analysis, moderate and severe comorbidity groups were combined