Figure 6.
Proportions of neurons showing different types of spiking responses to laser stimulation at the four recording sites. A, Representative neurons showing excitatory (left), lack of (middle), and inhibitory (right) spike responses to laser stimulation. Raw trains of single-trial spike responses are shown in the top plots, and their across-trial averages are shown in the bottom plots, where spike-firing rates are displayed as z-scores, binned in 100 ms windows, and normalized to the baseline (−500 to 0 ms relative to the laser stimulation). B, C, Percentages of neurons showing different types of spike responses to nociceptive stimulation, at each of the four recording sites (B, interneurons; C, pyramidal neurons). Excitatory, lack of, and inhibitory responses are coded in red, gray, and blue, respectively. The proportion of putative interneurons showing an excitatory response was larger in S1 than in M1, in both hemispheres. The proportion of interneurons showing an inhibitory response was smaller in contralateral S1 than in contralateral M1, but it was similar in the ipsilateral S1 and M1. In contrast, the proportion of pyramidal neurons with different types of responses was not different across the four recording sites. *p < 0.001. ns, Not significant.