Photomicrograph of epididymis after exposure of rats to Ag-NPs showing (A) epididymal ducts with normal smooth muscle layer and epithelial layers, stored content of spermatozoa within the lumen; (B) interstitial spaces with moderately increased interstitial connective tissues; (C) mildly increased fibrotic tissues, interstitial spaces with severe infiltration of connective tissues and inflammatory cells; (D) normal smooth muscle layer and epithelial layers; (E) interstitial spaces with moderate infiltration of inflammatory cells and interstitial congestion; (F) interstitial congestion with ducts having empty lumen lacking spermatozoa. Magnification 400×. A: Control, B: 10 mg/kg bw, C: 50 mg/kg bw, D: Control, E: 10 mg/kg bw, F: 50 mg/kg bw. A–C (7 days exposure of Ag-NP), D–F (28 days exposure of Ag-NPs).