Occurrence of autophagoproteasome in U87MG cells after treatment with 1 μM SG-1, SG-2 or T1AM. As shown in representative micrographs (a–c), when LC3 and P20S immunogold staining was carried out concomitantly the occurrence of both P20S particles and LC3 particles within the very same autophagy vacuoles was documented in U87-MG cells exposed to 1 μM SG-1, SG-2 or T1AM. In these pictures P20S staining is represented by 20nm immunogold particles evidenced by arrowheads, while LC3 staining is represented by smaller (10 nm) immunogold particles evidenced by full thin arrows. After treatment with 1 μM SG-1, SG-2 and T1AM the mean number of autophagoproteasomes occurring in the cell was counted, and as shown in graphs (d–f), a time-dependent increase of P20S+LC3 positive vacuoles was documented. Values represent the mean ± SEM of 30 cells for each group (n = 30) Comparisons between groups were made by using one-way ANOVA followed by a Dunnett’s post-test. * P ≤ 0.05, ** P ≤ 0.01compared with baseline condition. Scale bars (a–c) = 50 nm.