Fig 6. State estimation with simulated data ().
The sub-panels respectively depict, (a) the Bernoulli trial probabilities pk (blue), their estimate (red) and the presence or absence of binary observations (light green and black dots); (b) the quantile-quantile (QQ) plot for the residual error of pk; (c) the exponent of rk (blue) and its estimate (red); (d) the QQ plot for the residual error of rk; (e) sk (blue) and its estimate (red); (f) the QQ plot for the residual error of sk; (g) the arousal state xk (blue), its estimate (red) and the presence or absence of stimuli Ik driving the state (cyan and blacks dots); (h) the QQ plot for the residual error of xk; (i) the sequence of RR-intervals rri (orange dots) and the estimated RR-interval mean μ (solid blue line); (j) the KS plot for the heartbeats.