Out-of-pocket spending for health
(A) Out-of-pocket spending as a share of total health spending, in 2017. (B) Change in proportion of households with catastrophic health spending versus change in proportion of domestic health spending that is out-of-pocket, 2000–17. Spending estimates are presented in 2019 US$. In panel A, estimates are plotted against GDP per capita with a loess regression line (span=0·95) and 95% uncertainty intervals shaded in grey. Timor-Leste is excluded from panel B because the World Bank estimates for 2000–17 showed that no households in the country had catastrophic health spending. BLR=Belarus. GBD=Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors study. GDP=Gross Domestic Product. HTI=Haiti. IRL=Ireland. JOR=Jordan. LAO=Laos. MDV=Maldives. MNG=Mongolia. NER=Niger. RWA=Rwanda. SRB=Serbia. THA=Thailand. ZMB=Zambia.