A) Connectivity matrix of the excitatory subpopulation (E-to-E) in a network with feature-specific connectivity based on a one-dimensional feature (preferred orientation, PO), as in
Figure 2. (
B) Connectivity matrix of excitatory neurons based on RF similarity (similar to networks in
Figure 3). Neurons are sorted according to their preferred orientations (PO) in both (A) and (B). (
C) Spectrum of weight matrix in (B), when specific connectivity is only preserved within excitatory (EE) subnetwork. Connectivity between other connection subtypes (E-to-I, I-to-E, and I-to-I) is replaced with the mean value of the respective subpopulation. The eigenvalue marked in red thus reveals the most unstable eigenmode resulting from
specific E-to-E connectivity. (
D) Structure of the first specific eigenmode of E-to-E (i.e., the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue marked in red in (C)) versus different features of excitatory neurons: their preferred orientation (Pref. orient.) in left and RF similarity of neurons to a reference neuron in the network on right. Correlation coefficient (CC) between the specific eigenvector and neuronal features are indicated in red in each case. Red lines show the best fitted regression line to the data. (
E) Distribution of the absolute value of the correlation coefficient (|CC|) between the specific eigenvector and the vector of RF similarity of neurons to different excitatory neurons in the network. (
F,G) Similar to (
D,E) for another specific eigenvector (the third unstable eigenvalue marked in blue in (