(A) Representative [Na+]m fluorescence traces in digitonin-permeabilized HEK293-T cells overexpressing ASIC1a (See Materials and Methods). Cells were loaded with CoroNa Red (1 μM) and then untreated or treated with PcTX1 before the pH 7.0 solution was applied through superfusion.
(B) Quantification of the rate of [Na+]m increase measured in (A) for cells untreated (n=3) and treated (n=3) with PcTX1.
(C) Representative fluorescence traces of [Na+]m changes in response to superfusion of the pH 7.0 solution of untreated and PcTX1 pre-treated digitonin-permeabilized WT neurons.
(D) Quantification of the rate of [Na+]m increase determined in (C) for WT neurons untreated (n = 3) and pretreated (n=3) with PcTX1.
All bar graph data represent mean ± SEM, with n representing the number of independent cell cultures, ns non-significant **p < 0.01.