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. 2018 Sep 7;19(4):1086–1130. doi: 10.1177/1471301218795289

Table 5.

Study characteristics – Personalised treatment – N of 1.



Intervention Mode – Personalised Treatment
Author & Year N (IG/CG) Age (IG/CG) Sex – %F IG, CG Diagnosis Study design Primary method Other Modes Methods Setting & location Frequency Weeks/ Sessions
Bredesen et al. (2016) N = 4 Case studies: Patient 2 Patient 6Patient 7Patient 9 P2 – 69P6 – 74P7 – 62P9 – 54 MMMF AD type 2 (atrophic) AD type 1 (glycotoxic) AD type 1 AD type 3 Programmatic, personalised approach MEND Protocol – Nutrition, diet, vitamins, supplements, herbs, fasting, antioxidants Responsive to suboptimal metabolic parameters; continued optimization, iterative treatment and metabolic characterization SleepStressExerciseBrain stimulationHormonesGI healthToxins Sleep hygiene, stress reduction, aerobics, strength training, brain training, hormone therapy, intranasal VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide), address heavy metal toxicity Laboratory/clinic assessment; Individual sessions; Lifestyle changes at home:Use of life coaches Variable, repetitive, ongoing; periodic consultations P2 – 24 monthsP6 – 9 monthsP7 – 10 monthsP9 – 3 months
Prokopov (2010) N = 1 78 yrs 100% MRI, degenerative changes; progressive mental deterioration; MRI hippocampal, cortical atrophy, enlarged volume of ventricles; typical of AZD-type dementia Rejuvenative Personalised treatment Repeated sessions of intermittent hypoxic training (IHT). Patients comfortably relax in a recliner, their cells and mitochondria go through multiple oscillations of pO2. Intermittent oxygen restriction (IOR) is a universal stimulus rapidly triggering multiple compensatory strategies that support genome integrity. IHT is the most ‘engineered’ mitochondria-targeting intervention among IOR protocols. Individualized vitamins, amino acids, microelements and supplementation consisted of two formulas of Dr Rath’s programme: VitacorAnd Epican ForteNutritional adjustmentFasting Advised to eat a low-glycaemic-index, low carbohydrate, ketogenic diet, enriched with animal proteins & omega-3 fatty acids. Advised on fasting protocol: limit food intake to within 6–7 h window to extend physiological night fasting time to 18 h Laboratory/clinicassessment; Individual sessions IHT 3-4x/wkAfter each cycle of 15 IHT sessions, one month pause, then repeated the whole cycle. 4 cycles of IHT; 8 mos ofsupplementation programme