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. 2020 Apr 23;6(6):929–932. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2020.0742

Table. Cancer Survivor–Reported Factors Associated With Job Lock for Cancer Survivors or Their Families.

Characteristic Job lock
Survivor (n = 1340)a Spouse/partner (n = 1593)b
Weighted % Adjusted predicted marginal % (95% CI) Wald P valuec Weighted % Adjusted predicted marginal % (95% CI) Wald P valuec
Time since last cancer treatment, y
≥5 9.8 17 (11-26) .75 10.6 4 (2-10) .07
3-5 51.9 19 (16-23) 48.7 11 (9-14)
1-2 18.2 22 (17-28) 19.4 8 (5-12)
<1 20.1 20 (15-25) 21.4 12 (8-16)
Male 42.2 17 (14-22) .14 44.4 12 (1-16) .03
Female 57.8 21 (18-25) 55.6 8 (7-10)
Current age, y
≥75 14.4 4 (2-9) <.001 25.9 3 (1-5) <.001
65-74 30.1 17 (13-21) 31.2 9 (6-12)
55-64 29.6 24 (19-29) 24.0 15 (12-2)
18-54 26.1 28 (22-35) 18.9 19 (14-25)
Current marital status
Not married 61.0 18 (15-21) .09 68.2 7 (5-10) .02
Married 39.0 23 (19-27) 31.8 11 (9-14)
Non-Hispanic white 82.1 20 (17-23) .69 83.2 9 (7-11) <.001
Nonwhite 17.9 19 (14-25) 16.8 16 (12-22)
Educational attainment
<High school 7.3 12 (7-19) .09 11.4 9 (6-14) .73
High school graduate 24.2 18 (14-24) 28.8 9 (7-13)
>High school 68.6 21 (18-24) 59.8 11 (9-13)
Current income as a % of the federal poverty level
<138 11.4 17 (12-24) .003 13.7 8 (5-12) <.001
138-≤400 32.3 28 (23-33) 34.6 15 (12-19)
>400 56.3 16 (13-19) 51.7 8 (6-10)
Current No. of MEPS priority conditions other than cancer
0 15.2 16 (11-21) .48 12.8 6 (4-9) .003
1 22.9 21 (16-27) 19.2 10 (7-15)
2 23.3 20 (15-25) 21.4 7 (4-11)
>3 38.6 21 (17-26) 46.7 14 (10-17)
Survey year
2011 28.2 17 (14-21) .17 28.2 12 (9-15) .13
2016-2017 34.3, 37.4 21 (17-24) 36.0, 35.9 9 (8-11)

Abbreviation: MEPS, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.


Participants reporting a history of only nonmelanoma skin cancer or skin cancer of unknown type were excluded (n = 481). Estimates incorporate national survey sampling weights.


In 2011, 2016, and 2017, 339, 331, and 190 participants, respectively, responded “does not apply” to the question about a spouse/partner staying at a job out of concern for losing health insurance for the family. Those responses are excluded here from the totals. “Does not apply” was not a survey option for cancer survivors; it was only in reference to spouses/partners, presumably as an option they could select if they did not have a spouse/partner during the reference period.


Statistical significance for all analyses was set at P < .05, and all tests were 2-sided.