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. 2020 Apr 16;181(2):346–361.e17. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.03.049

Rabbit anti-G3BP1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#PA5-29455; RRID:AB_2546931
Goat anti-eIF3η Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat#N-20; RRID:AB_671941
Donkey anti-goat 647 Invitrogen Cat#A21447; RRID:AB_141844
Donkey anti-rabbit 488 Invitrogen Cat#A21206; RRID:AB_2535792
Rabbit anti-phospho-G3BP1 (pS149) Sigma Aldrich Cat#G8046; RRID:AB_1840867
Mouse anti-puromycin (clone 12D10) Merck Millipore Cat#MABE343; RRID:AB_2566826
Rabbit anti-eIF2a(Ser52) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#44-728G; RRID:AB_2533736
Mouse anti-eIF2a Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat#sc-133132; RRID:AB_1562699
Goat anti-EGFP In house N/A

Bacterial and Virus Strains

BL21-AI One Shot Chemically Competent E. coli Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#607003

Chemicals, Peptides and Recombinant Proteins

Ubc9WT-6xHis Mateju et al., 2017 O-3299
Ubc9ts-6xHis Mateju et al., 2017 O-3298
GFP-G3BP1(WT) This paper L-515
GFP-G3BP1(ΔNTF2) This paper TH1321
GFP-G3BP1(ΔRG) This paper TH0999
GFP-G3BP1(ΔE1) This paper L-663
GFP-G3BP1(ΔE2) This paper L-664
GFP-G3BP1(ΔE1ΔE2) This paper L-667
GFP-G3BP1(S149A) This paper L-548
GFP-G3BP1(S149E) This paper L-549
GFP-G3BP1(S149A/S232A) This paper L-686
SNAP-G3BP1(WT) This paper L-587
mCherry-Caprin1 This paper TH1232
GFP-G3BP2(WT) This paper TH1434
GFP This paper D292
GFP-hnRNPA1L Wang et al., 2018 TH1261
GFP-hnRNPA2B1 Wang et al., 2018 TH1252
FUS-GFP Wang et al., 2018 TH1204
TDP43-GFP Wang et al., 2018 TH1083
GFP-hnRNPA1L2 Wang et al., 2018 TH1275
GFP-hnRNPA0 Wang et al., 2018 TH1250
GFP-hnRNPAB Wang et al., 2018 TH1251
GFP-hnRNPA1S Wang et al., 2018 TH1164
GFP-hnRNPDL Wang et al., 2018 TH1254
GFP-hnRNPA3 Wang et al., 2018 TH1202
GFP-TIAL1 Wang et al., 2018 TH1257
GFP-TIA1 Wang et al., 2018 TH1256
GFP-PSPC This paper TH1255
SFPQ-GFP This paper TH1263
RNaseOUT Invitrogen Cat#10777019
Nucleotides: ATP, CTP, GTP, and UTP Roche Cat#11277057001
DNase I New England Biolabs Cat#M0303S
E. coli PolyA Polymerase Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#AM1350
HCS CellMask Blue Stain Invitrogen Cat#H32720
Hoechst 33342, Trihydrochloride, Trihydrate – 10 mg/ml solution in water Invitrogen Cat#H3570
Blasticidin S HCl Invitrogen Cat#R21001
Lipofectamine 2000 Life Technology Cat#11668-019
Opti-MEM GIBCO Cat#31985062
DMEM, high glucose, GlutaMAX Supplement, pyruvate GIBCO Cat#31966021
DMEM, high glucose, no glutamine, no phenol red GIBCO Cat#31053028
cOmplete Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Roche Cat#11836145001
cOmplete, EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Roche Cat#05056489001
RNase A PanReac AppliChem Cat#A2760
Polyethylene glycol 20000 Merck Cat#817018
SNAP-Surface Alexa Fluor 546 New England Biolabs Cat#S9132S
T4 RNA ligase 1 New England Biolabs Cat#M0204S
pCp-Cy5 Jena Bioscience Cat#NU-1706-CY5
Lambda Protein Phosphatase New England Biolabs Cat#P0753S
Nonidet P 40 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#74385
2-[Methoxy(polyethyleneoxy)propyl]trimethoxysilane; 90% 6-9 PE-units Abcr GmbH Cat#AB111226
Sodium hydrogen arsenate heptahydrate, ASC, 98.0-102.0% Alfa Aesar Cat#33373

Critical Commercial Assays

RNeasy Mini Kit (50) QIAGEN Cat#74104
mMESSAGE mMACHINE T7 Transcription Kit ThermoFisher Cat#AM1344
Poly(A) Tailing Kit ThermoFisher Cat#AM1350
Microspin G-25 Columns GE Healthcare Cat#GE27-5325-01
Pierce™ Polyacrylamide Spin Desalting Columns, 7K MWCO ThermoFisher Cat#89849

Experimental Models: Cell Lines

G3BP1(WT) BAC in HeLa Kyoto cell line Mateju et al., 2017 MCB_ky_7510 (C-terminal mCherry tag; FACS sorted)
U2OS Kedersha et al., 2016; Laboratory of Paul Anderson N/A
U2OS G3BP1/2 knock out cell line Kedersha et al., 2016; Laboratory of Paul Anderson N/A
Sf9 cells Expression Systems Cat#94-001F


polyA(60) RNA This paper; Eurofins Genomics N/A
Poly(A) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#10108626001
Poly(C) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P4903
Poly(G) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P4404
Poly(U) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P9528
Human spinal cord poly(A)+ RNA Clontech Cat#636142
NEAT1 RNA This paper N/A
5-loop RNA This paper N/A
Ribosomal RNA Bioworld Cat#11020001-2
Recombinant DNA

pCRII-TOPO-hNEAT1 Clemson et al., 2009; Laboratory of Archa Fox Addgene Plasmid #61518
pSCA-5loopPlus5 This paper L-480

Software and Algorithms

Fiji NIH
NCPR Alan Bleasby European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK
PLAAC Lancaster et al., 2014
IUPred Dosztányi et al., 2005
R / RStudio R Core Team