A comparison of
UAS:GFP, TgBAC(etv2:GFP), Tg(−2.3etv2:GFP)
fluorescence pattern (in kdrl:mCherry background) at 48 hpf
(A-I) and 72 hpf (J-R).
UAS:GFP expression is apparent throughout the entire vasculature
and in lymphatic progenitors (parachordal lymphangioblasts, PLs).
TgBAC(etv2:GFP) shows similar expression pattern, and also
shows non-specific expression in the neural tube. Vascular endothelial
expression in Tg(−2.3etv2:GFP) line is downregulated
after 48 hpf and is very weak at 72 hpf, while non-specific epithelial
expression is apparent. (A-C, J-L) Merged mCherry and GFP channels; (D-F, M-O)
GFP channel; (G-I, P-R) magnified images of the trunk region in (A-C, J-L). DA,
dorsal aorta; PCV, posterior cardinal vein; ISV, intersegmental vessels, SIV,
subintestinal vessel; DLAV, dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel; CCV, common
cardinal vein.