Table 2.
Arthroscopic stage (EWAS) | Arthroscopic testing of SLIOL from MC joint |
I | No passage of the probe in SL space but synovitis |
II |
Lesion of membranous SLIOL Passage of the tip of the probe in the SL space without widening (stable) |
Partial lesion involving the volar SLIOL Volar widening on dynamic testing from MC joint (anterior laxity) |
Partial lesion involving the dorsal SLIOL Dorsal SL widening on dynamic testing (posterior laxity) |
Complete SLIOL tear, joint is reducible Complete widening of SL space on dynamic testing, reducible with removal of probes |
IV |
Complete SLIOL with SL gap SL gap with passage of the arthroscope from MC to RC joint No radiographic abnormalities |
V |
Wide SL gap with passage of the arthroscope through SL joint Frequent X-ray abnormalities such as an increased SL gap, DISI deformity |
SLIOL scapholunate interosseous ligament, MC midcarpal, RC radiocarpal, RSC radio-scapho-capitate, LRL long radiolunate, DIC dorsal intercarpal ligament, SL scapholunate, TH triquetro-hamate, ST scaphotrapezial, DRC dorsal radiocarpal, DISI dorsal intercalated segmental instability