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. 2019 Nov 28;42(6):635–639. doi: 10.1007/s00276-019-02389-3

Table 2.

Test of normal distribution of the variables

Tests of normality
Kolmogorov–Smirnov Shapiro–Wilk
Statistic df Sig Statistic df Sig
COMX 0.126 10 0.200 0.940 10 0.548
COMY 0.188 10 0.200 0.934 10 0.484
COMZ 0.252 10 0.071 0.761 10 0.005
ROTX 0.261 10 0.053 0.878 10 0.125
ROTY 0.203 10 0.200 0.917 10 0.331
ROTZ 0.162 10 0.200 0.938 10 0.528

X, Y, and Z represent the three Euler’s axis for COM and ROT, respectively

COM centre of mass translational difference, ROT rotational difference, df degree of freedom, Sig significance