Table 1.
HRV Time domain parameters evaluated in PD patients and controls
Variables | Description (unit) |
SDNN 24 | Standard deviation (SD) of all NN intervals (ms) |
SDNN D | |
SDNN N | |
pnn50 24 | Percentage of successive RR intervals that differ by more than 50 ms (%) |
pnn50 D | |
pnn50 N | |
rMSS 24 | Root mean square of successive RR interval differences (ms) |
rMSS D | |
rMSS N | |
SDANN | Standard deviation of the average NN intervals for each 5 min segment of a 24 h HRV recording (ms) |
ISDNN | Mean of the Standard deviation of all NN intervals for all 5 min segments of the entire recording (ms) |
PD Parkinson’s disease, D day, N: night