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. 2020 Apr 23;20(2):4. doi: 10.5334/ijic.5343

Table 2.

Comparison of Emergency Department (ED) attendance and hospital admissions total costs in Australian Dollars (financial year 2015–2016 equivalent) among IMPACT and comparison clients, in the 6 months prior to, during (IMPACT group only), and in the 6 months post-IMPACT involvement. ED attendances are categorised as either preventable or non-preventable (ED attendances at the non-SESLHD hospital were unable to be reviewed and are presented as unassigned), and admissions are classified as substance use related or not.

ED attendances total cost IMPACT Group (n = 34) Comparison Group (n = 12)

6-months prior During IMPACT 6-months post IMPACT Comparison of prior and post* 6-months prior 6-months post-assessment Comparison of prior and post*

mean (SD) median (95% CI) Z, p mean (SD) median (95% CI) Z, p

Preventable 3,598 (3,397) 3,224 (4,174) 1,858 (2,853) 2,181 (2,430) 2,060 (3,409)
2,647 (1,370, 3,769) 1,868 (1,035, 3,659) 630 (0, 2,070) –2.687, 0.007 1,035 (0, 5,068) 459 (0, 3,105) –0.059, 0.953
Non-preventable 1,561 (2,346) 1,246 (2,144) 883 (3,552) 1,968 (1,635) 373 (493)
1,035 (0, 1,479) 630 (0, 1,035) 0 (0, 0) –2.339, 0.019 1,633 (918, 3,046) 0 (0, 815) –2.667, 0.008
Unassigned 1,122 (2,806) 1,888 (3,427) 392 (966) 2,592 (4,539) 999 (1,237)
0 (0, 0) 0 (0, 1,443) 0 (0, 0) –1.070, 0.285 204 (0, 5,393) 408 (0, 2,226) –1.352, 0.176
All 6,281 (4,577) 6,359 (6,066) 3,133 (4,415) 6,741 (5,309) 3,432 (4,478)
5,220 (3,166, 8,074) 3,746 (2,760, 8,510) 1,035 (0, 3,808) 2.998, 0.003 4,751 (3,282, 7,734) 1,490 (630, 3,215) –2.118; 0.034
Hospital admissions total cost mean (SD) median (95% CI) Z, p mean (SD) median (95% CI) Z, p

Substance use related 11,720 (12,974) 11,988 (17,111) 8,066 (28,129) 4,120 (6,809) 1,688 (3,536)
9,870 (4,644, 14,515) 6,685 (0, 11,684) 0 (0, 602) –2.629, 0.009 0 (0, 7,537) 0 (0, 2,021) –1.041, 0.310
Unrelated to substance use 13,631 (23,332) 15,679 (28,452) 6,842 (15,256) 5,927 (7,466) 884 (1,919)
782 (0, 11,592) 5,621 (609, 10,479) 0 (0, 2,027) –1.380, 0.168 4,971 (0, 9,622) 0 (0, 667) –2.111, 0.035
All 25,351 (23,496) 27,667 (35,717) 14,908 (40,737) 10,047 (9,443) 2,572 (3,629)
15,935 (12,106, 26,736) 14,641 (7,352, 25,077) 602 (0, 9,201) –3.096, 0.002 6,273 (4,971, 13,113) 0 (0, 4,971) –2.189, 0.029

* Wilcoxon signed-rank test.