Table 6.
rs-fMRI studies with LLD, HC, and additional comparison groups.
References |
Study type |
Depression status |
Analysis method |
Frontal-executive findings |
Corticolimbic findings |
Other findings |
Xie et al. (2013) | 72 (18/25/17/12 |
Cross-sectional | Current | Seed (Hippo) |
LLD vs. non-depressed• Left hippo: Decreased anti-correlation R-dlPFC1• Right hippo: Increased FC in bilat-Thal2, and R-Lent3, decreased anti-correlated FC in l-dlPFC and d-striatum4 MCI vs. non-CI• Left hippo: Decreased + and – FC in bilat-dlPFC, IPC5, L- pMTG6; and R-dACC7 and SPC8.• Right hippo: Decreased + and - FC in bilat-aTP9 and IPC5; L-vlPFC10, pMTG; R-ITC11. Interactive effect of LLD*MCI• Right hippo: Found in bilat-MOG12, L-dACC, R-dlPFC/dACC cluster |
LLD vs. non-depressed• Left hippo: Increased FC bilat-PCC13, and R-dmPFC14• Right hippo: Increased FC in L-Hippo MCI vs. non-CI• Left hippo: Decreased + and – FC in bilat-dmPFC• Right hippo: Decreased + and – FC in bilat-aTP9, PHG15 Interactive effect LLD*MCI• Right hippo: Found in vmPFC16 |
LLD vs. non-depressed• Right hippo: Decreased anti- correlated FC in bilat-MOG13 MCI vs. non-CI:• Left hippo: Decreased + and – FC in bilat-RSC17; L-postCG18 |
Li et al. (2015b) | 63 (25/26/-/15) |
Cross-sectional | Current | Seed (Amygdala) |
LLD vs. HC Decreased FC in R-SPL19, MFG20, IFG21, ITG22 Increased in cerebellar vermis LLD+aMCI vs. HC Decreased FC in bilat-SPL, R-IFG, MFG; and MTG23 Increased FC in IPL24 LLD+aMCI vs. LLD Decreased FC in L-MTG20 |
LLD vs. HC Increased FC in R-PCC13 and TP25 LLD+aMCI vs. HC Decreased FC in left TP, PHG15, hippo26, cuneus LLD+aMCI vs. LLD Greater decrease of FC in the bilateral TP, cuneus (posterior DMN35) |
LLD+MCI vs. LLD Decreased FC in OG27 LLD vs. HC decreased FC in PreCG28 LLD+aMCI vs. HC Decreased FC in PreCG, bilat-IOG29 and MOG30 LLD+aMCI vs. LLD Decreased FC in bilat-FFG31, IOG, MOG |
Chen et al. (2016) | 256 (55/114/87) |
Cross-sectional | Remitted | Correlation between each pair of 36 seeds that represent five major RSNs32 |
LLD vs. HC: Reduced FC degree in bilat-ITG22 MCI vs. HC: Trend toward increased FC degree at all nodes (except for r-ITG22) |
LLD vs. HC: Reduced FC strength in ECN33-DMN35 *After controlling for age, sex, education and APOE genotype: reduced correlation in ECN-DMN pair in LLD > MCI vs. HC |
LLD vs. HC: Reduced FC degree in SMA36 LLD vs. HC: Reduced FC strength in SMN37 aMCI vs. HC: A trend toward increased FC strength within SAL and SMN LLD vs. aMCI: Reduced FC strength within SAL38 and SMN |
Li et al. (2015a) | 79 (23/25/18/13) |
Cross-sectional | Current | Graph theory threshold range (0.03–0.5) |
LLD, aMCI, LLD+aMCI vs. HC Combined ECN/VAN split into two distinct modules: ECN33 and VAN34 |
LLD and aMCI vs. HC DMN module was split into two smaller modules |
LLD vs. HC Disrupted FC segregation (decreased local efficiency) LLD+aMCI > LLD > MCI Greatest mean nodal efficiency LLD+aMCI vs. aMCI Decreased local efficiency LLD+aMCI vs. all other groups greatest disruptions in integration (diminished global efficiency) LLD+aMCI Had most variable modular community followed by LLD |
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC);
thalamus (Thal);
lentiform nucleus (Lent);
dorsal striatum (caudate and putamen) d-striatum;
inferior parietal cortex (IPC);
left posterior middle temporal gyrus (pMTG);
dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC);
superior parietal cortex (SPC);
anterior temporal pole (aTP);
ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC);
inferior temporal cortex (ITC);
middle occipital gyrus (MOG);
posterior cingulate cortex (PCC);
dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC);
parahippocampal gyrus (PHG);
ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC);
retro-splenial cortex (RSC);
post central gyrus (postCG);
superior parietal lobe (SPL);
middle frontal gyrus (MFG);
inferior frontal gyrus (IFG);
inferior temporal gyrus (ITG);
middle temporal gyrus (MTG);
inferior parietal lobule (IPL);
temporal pole (TP);
hippocampus (hippo);
occipital gyri (OG);
pre-central gyrus (PreCG);
inferior occipital gyrus (IOG);
middle occipital gyrus (MOG);
fusiform gyrus (FFG);
resting state networks (RSN);
executive control network (ECN);
ventral attention network (VAN);
default mode network (DMN);
supplemental motor area (SMA);
sensory-motor network (SMN);
salience network (SAL).