Table 3.
Example of Phase II Inductive Coding
Individual Stigma Quotations | Subcategories | Generic subcategories | Main category |
So that was, I knew something was up and as I say it, I didn’t learn to become a secret agent that left an alien territory. I sort of kept that other side of the self-hidden. Hidden away from everybody. Jackie, 77 | Knew something was up Kept the self-hidden |
Hiding as a response to constant early awareness | Constrained fearful approach to life |
I kind of went into a cocoon then because by that time, my mannerisms, I couldn’t do like other children that make it work and really put on a good act, I just couldn’t. I couldn’t and I suffered for it a lot. And that’s how I just became just quiet. When we had family gatherings and stuff I would always make sure I sat somewhere and then I had done anything I had to do so I didn’t have to get up and walk. Because once I got up and walked, my ass was always high and deep. Jeannette, 55 | Went into a cocoon Always aware of family watching |
Yeah. I had already had people that I worked with, they could already see what was happening with me, though the choices that I made were really small. I’m often amused by what a big deal such small things are. Not to belittle that. But I think “wow, that was so fraught with fear to wear”–it’s funny to me, its often in a way too much about your clothing. Sigrid, 51 | Fraught with fear | Hypervigilance of potential rejection | |
You know, when I was homeless, I was so afraid to tell them, ‘cause they kept saying, “Well why don’t you go to a women’s shelter,” “Well, let me give you this agency,” and they kept saying it, they kept saying it. There was this one time I was so desperately trying to save my hotel room, and it was a Friday, late, and it was like, “There’s nothing we can do,” and finally I just broke down crying. I said, “I—” and I was in the Baptist church, and I said, “There’s something I got to tell you. The reason why I’m not going to the shelters at night.” …. “Why didn’t you say something a long time ago?” And now I get you, and I’m going to talk to the senior pastor, because something needs to be done to help you.”…Rochelle, 51 | Afraid to tell them Afraid to come out as trans and get needed services Fear to disclose |