Fig. 5.
Axon myelination occurs at different stages at 6 mo posttransplantation, and myelin partly originates from human-derived oligodendrocytes. (A–C) Graft-derived axons in the contralateral somatosensory cortex. (A) Initial and (B) intermediate stages of myelination. (C) Axons with compact myelin sheaths. m: mitochondria. (Scale bar, 0.2 μm.) (D) Confocal image of an axon ensheathed by human myelin close to the transplant, as evidenced by colocalization of MBP (red) and human mitochondrial marker (green). (Scale bar, 5 μm.) (E) Confocal image of graft-derived fibers expressing the human cytoplasmic marker STEM121 (green) colocalizing with MBP (red). (Scale bar, 10 μm.)