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. 2020 Apr 22;8:e8906. doi: 10.7717/peerj.8906

Table 2. Comparison of krill (Nyctiphanes australis) aggregation depth in the South Taranaki Bight, New Zealand, not within 2 km radius of blue whale (B. m. brevicauda) sightings and those within 2 km of sightings.

The mean dive time of whales at each sighting by group (all, foraging observed, surface lunge feeding observed) are also given.

Sample size (blue whale sightings/ krill aggregations) Mean krill depth (m); (SE) Mean dive time (min) (SE); n = # of dives
All krill aggregations not at sighting NA/2019 47.31 (±0.71) NA
All sightings 32/892 38.09 (±0.92) 2.83 (±0.18); n > 248a
All foraging sightings 15/398 32.64 (±1.27) 2.56 (±0.19); n > 137b
Sightings with surface lunge feeding observed 6/122 26.42 (±2.01) 1.77 (±0.07); n = 80



The number of dives monitored to assess mean dive time was not maintained for four out of 32 blue whale sightings, although the mean dive time at all sightings was recorded. Therefore, a minimum sample size of dives monitored (n = 248) is provided.


The number of dives monitored to assess mean dive time was not maintained for two out of 15 foraging blue whale sightings, although the mean dive time at all sightings was recorded. Therefore, a minimum sample size of dives monitored (n = 137) at foraging sightings is provided.