Heat maps to guide clinical decisions and counseling patients on the
risks versus benefits of their pregnancy outcome. Clinical pregnancy rate
(A), absolute multiple risk: multiples/intrauterine
insemination (IUI) (B), and relative multiple risk:
multiples/clinical pregnancy (C). The red region
indicates low pregnancy success or high multiples risk, yellow
indicates moderate pregnancy success or multiples risk, and
green indicates highest success in acquiring a pregnancy or
lowest multiples risk. Follicle number across the bottom of the graphs are
≥14 mm in size. This tool can counsel the patient, based on her age and
number of follicles present, what her overall clinical pregnancy rate is,
absolute multiple risk (multiples/IUI), and if she became pregnant, what her
risk of multiples would be (relative risk). *Percentages are rounded to the
closest whole number and represent mean outcomes from the study. 95% CI of the
actual risk are not shown.