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. 2020 Mar 4;267(5):1554–1566. doi: 10.1007/s00415-020-09728-0

Table 5.

Secondary cough headache

Publication Primary (n) (mean age years) Secondary (n)
Abnormal scan (mean age) *
Secondary (n)
 + Abnormal signs related to lesion on scan
Intervention Follow-up duration (months) Resolution following intervention Resolution without intervention Drug responders Pathologies (n)
Symonds [31] 21 (55) 6 (52) 2 4 ( one operative death) UK

1—air encephalogram and deep-xray treatment

1—air encephalogram

1—Spontaneous 4 year remission

One-symptoms started after interventiona


Posterior fossa meningioma

Midbrain cyst

Pagets with basilar impression (2)

Post acoustic neuroma removala

Pascual [32] 12 (67) 17(39) UK 14 had symptoms or signs 8–C1-3 laminectomy (one for headache alone) – UK 7 ‘improved’ ‘persisting’—duration UK None to ‘analgesics and antimigraine treatments’ All ACM I—5 with syringomyelia
Ozge [34] 20 (45)** 12 None documented No intervention Cross-sectional NA All resolved after treatment with Indomethacin

Analgesics partly effective

Indomethacin 75–150 mg for 6 weeks (one also methysergide for concomitant migraine)—all resolved after withdrawal


Details of the rest unclear

Pascual [33] 28 (60) 40 (44) No abnormal signs documented 9 (all for ACM I) UK 9 5 treated with Indomethacin—no response

ACM I (32)

Other posterior fossa lesions (8)

Chen [30] 74 (61) 9 (55) 3 ( ataxia and dysmetria) 4 51.4 4 0b Indomethacin 37.5%

Cerebellar mass + Hydrocephalus (3 meningioma; 1 metastases)

ACM I (2; up to 5 mm descent)b

Diffuse brain metastases (1)

Subdural haematoma(1)

Mucous retention cyst in the sphenoid sinus

ACM Arnold-Chiari malformation

UK Unknown

*No other abnormal tests

**Primary and secondary together