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. 2019 Nov 29;59(7):933–940. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.3616-19

Table 1.

Patients’ Characteristics.

a) Children (≤ 15 years)
n Age (mean) Sex (M:F) Comorbidityb
Body Temperaturec (°C) (mean±SE) Time from onset (hours±SE)
RIDT-positive 372 7.3 220:152 25 39.0±0.0* 20.3±0.8
Influenza total Aa 357 7.2 211:146 25 39.1±0.0* 20.0±0.9
Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 133 7.3 77:56 8 39.2±0.1* 22.3±1.5d
Influenza A (H3N2) 224 7.2 134:90 17 39.0±0.1* 18.6±1.1
Influenza B 15 9.5 * 9:6 0 38.8±0.2 27.7±4.7
RIDT-negative 342 6.8 184:158 27 38.7±0.0 20.4±0.9e
b) Adults (≥ 16 years)
RIDT-positive 277 40.7 123:154 33 38.7±0.1* 25.7±1.1
Influenza total Aa 270 41.0 120:150 33 38.7±0.1 * 25.6±1.1
Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 75 39.9 34:41 12 38.9±0.1 * 26.8±2.3
Influenza A (H3N2) 195 41.4 * 86:109 21 38.6±0.1* 25.1±1.3
Influenza B 7 31.0 3:4 0 39.2±0.3 * 30.1±7.7
RIDT -negative 342 38.5 167:175 42 38.3±0.1f 23.8±1.0g

* Statistically significant

RIDT: Rapid influenza diagnostic test

aInfluenza total A: Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 and Influenza A (H3N2)

bComorbidities included: chronic disease of the lung (such as bronchial asthma), heart (such as ischemic heart disease), and kidney (such as chronic renal failure); endocrine metabolism disorder (such as diabetes mellitus); malignancy; autoimmune disorder (such as rheumatoid arthritis); neurological disease (such as epilepsy); pregnancy, and others (such as neurofibromatosis).

cSE: standard error

dThere is one value missing from the SE calculation (n=132).

eIn cases of Influenza B, the mean value±SE of the time from onset of RIDT-negative controls was 20.4±1.0.

fIn cases of Influenza both A (H1N1) pdm09 and B, the mean value±SE of the body temperature of RIDT-negative control was 38.3±0.0.

gIn cases of Influenza both A (H1N1) pdm09 and B, the mean value±SE of the time from onset of RIDT-negative control was 23.8±1.1.