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. 2020 Mar 17;113(7):474–481. doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hcaa089

Table 2.

Clinical features of 91 patients with COVID-19

Patients (N = 91)
Signs and symptoms
 Fever 65 (71.43)
 Maximal temperature
  <37.3 26 (28.57)
  37.3–38 26 (28.57)
  38.1–39 34 (37.36)
  39.1–41 3 (3.3)
  >41.0 0
  Unknown 2 (2.2)
 Cough 55 (60.44)
 Fatigue 40 (43.96)
 Expectoration 30 (32.97)
 Anorexia 23 (25.27)
 Diarrhoea 21 (23.08)
 Chest distress 17 (18.68)
 Nausea 11 (12.09)
 Shortness of breath 10 (10.99)
 Dyspnoea 3 (3.3)
 Headache 7 (7.69)
 Vomiting 6 (6.59)
 Myalgia 5 (5.49)
 Back discomfort 3 (3.3)
Admission to intensive care unit 9 (9.89)
CT of chest
 CT scan 91
 Lesions in bilateral lungs 61 (67.03)
 Lesions in unilateral lung 25 (27.47)
 No lesions in bilateral lungs 5 (5.49)
Diagnose methods
 Laboratory-confirmed (real-time RT-PCR) 88 (96.7)
 Clinical-confirmed 3 (3.3)
Incubation periods 6 (3–8)
Days from visiting doctor to be confirmed 1 (1–2)
Clinical outcome
 Remained in hospital 60 (65.93)
 Discharged 31 (34.07)
 Died 0

Values are expressed as n (%) or medians (interquartile ranges) unless stated otherwise.