Fig. 1. Sarrahis an evolutionary conserved, anti-apoptotic lncRNA in cardiomyocytes downregulated during aging.
a Two different siRNAs against each of the 76 cardiomyocyte-enriched lncRNAs from Supplementary Fig. 1c were transfected in HL-1 cells (n = 3), the average for both is displayed. The lncRNA highlighted in red corresponds to lncRNA Sarrah. Apoptosis levels were determined in standard cell culture conditions or after induction with 100 µM H2O2 by measuring caspase-3/7 activity. b The genomic Sarrah locus overlaps with the OXCT1 gene encoding SCOT1. Its transcription start site lies within the first OXCT1 intron. c Three different cell types (cardiomyocytes (CM), endothelial cells (EC) and fibroblasts (FB)) were isolated from the hearts of 12-week-old mice. RNA was isolated and Sarrah levels were determined by qRT-PCR (n = 5; SEM). d Sarrah downregulation during aging was confirmed by qRT-PCR with RNA from total young and aged mouse heart tissue (n = 6; SEM; ***t-test p = 0.00005). e Caspase-3/7 activity was measured in GapmeR-transfected mouse (HL-1 cell line) and human (primary cells) cardiomyocytes to confirm the increase in apoptosis upon Sarrah knockdown (HL-1: n = 3; SEM; ***p = 0.0001); hCM: n = 6; SEM; *t-test p = 0.0486). f Caspase-3/7 activity was measured in SARRAH overexpressing primary human cardiomyocytes (n = 4; SEM; *t-test p = 0.0286).