Domain architecture of SDG proteins from Arabidopsis and rice (Oryza sativa L.). EZD, E(z) domain; SANT, SWI3, ADA2, N‐CoR, and TFIIIB DNA‐binding domain; CXC, cysteine‐rich region; AWS, associated with SET domain; PHD, plant homeodomain; Zf‐CW, zinc‐finger with conserved Cys and Trp residues; PWWP, a domain names after a conserved Pro‐Trp‐Trp‐Pro motif; FYRN, F/Y‐rich N‐terminus; FYRC, F/Y‐rich C‐terminus; YDG, conserved Tyr‐Asp‐Gly motif; SRA, a conserved SET and a RING finger associated domain; RSB, Rubisco LSMT substrate‐binding domain