Figure 7.
Cultured with psoralen can change the cisplatin resistance of the MGC803 cells. (A and B) MTT assay was utilized to analyze cell activity (A) and the IC50 values (B) to evaluate anti-proliferative effects of psoralen in MGC803 cells following cultured with psoralen of three different concentrations and the negative control. (C and D) Colony formation assay was carried out to detect DDP resistance (C) and cell proliferation (D) in MGC803 cell line following cultured with the three different concentrations of psoralen and the negative control. (E and F) Flow cytometry assay was utilized to assess the DDP resistance (E) and the cell apoptosis rates (F) in the MGC803 cells following cultured with the three different concentrations of psoralen and the negative control. Each assay was conducted in triplicate. ****P < 0.0001, ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05 and mean±SD were utilized to show the data.