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. 2011 Jan 19;11(3):678–685. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2011.01.007

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Evidence for recombination in the S1 gene of the K716/05 strain. (A) Results from Simplot analysis of K716/05 strain are shown. The analysis was carried out using K716/05 strain as a query. QXIBV (Pink) and KM91 (Blue) were used as putative parental strains. The y-axis gives the percentage of identity and the S1 gene scale was given at the top of the plot. The red vertical lines show the recombination point at position 1118. (B) The phylogenetic tree of the region from position 1–1118. The IBV isolate K716/05 was included in the QXIBV cluster (Pink). (C) The phylogenetic trees of the region from position 1118–1590. The K716/05 strain belonged to the KM91 cluster (Blue). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)