Table 1:
Rest potentials measured vs an Ag/AgCl reference with a 3M KCl bridge, converted to NHE by adding 210 mV.
Description | Pt (mV vs NHE) | Pd(mV vs NHE) | Au(mV vs NHE) | |
UHV1 | Plasma-cleaned films in UHV | 435±1251 | 395±125 | 695±125 |
Bare chip 1 mM PB | Films under 1 mM phosphate buffer | 566.8±3.82 | 540.7±17 | 388.4±4.3 |
Chip/SH-btn | Functionalized with thiolated biotin | 585.3±0.2 | 482.3±0.1 | 242.5±0.7 |
Chip/SH-btn/SA | As above bound by streptavidin | 578.9±0.4 | 460.5±1.9 | 236.8±0.6 |
Chip/SH-btn/SA/ϕ29 | As above bound by a doubly-biotinylated ϕ29 polymerase | 564.4±2.8 | 393.4±0.2 | 199.8±2.8 |
Bare chip (repeat) | Films under 1 mM phosphate buffer | 567.6±3.3 | 558.5±1.8 | 417.2±1.8 |
Chip/SH-DNP | Functionalized with thiolated DNP | 534.0±4.1 | 508.3±0.7 | 266.4±1.0 |
Chip/SH-DNP/Ab | As above + anti-DNP IgE | 537.8±0.7 | 438.1±0.3 | 256.1±0.2 |
UHV data were measured to ±4 meV: the error quoted here (125 meV) represents the spread of values currently accepted for the work function of the NHE.
Errors reflect stability of rest potential measurement. Repeat measurement (see bare chip repeat) indicates a run-to-run variation of ±5% (the error bars used in Figure 2b).