Parameters for SC(1–246)-BODIPY and unlabeled WT SC(1–246) binding to four separate ProTQQQ preparations
Reference titrations of SC(1–246)-BODIPY with four separate ProTQQQ batches were obtained at two fixed probe concentrations. The competitive binding data for the ProTQQQ preparations were obtained by titrations of fixed concentrations of SC(1–246)-BODIPY probe, and SC(1–246) as competitor, with ProTQQQ. Data were fit simultaneously by the cubic equation to obtain the dissociation constant for ProTQQQ and SC(1–246)-BODIPY (KO, probe) and the competitor SC(1–246) (KC, competitor); the stoichiometric factor for SC(1–246)-BODIPY (n) and SC(1–246) (m); and the maximum fluorescence intensity (ΔFmax/Fo). Experimental error represents ± 2 S.D. Competitive equilibrium binding studies and data analysis were performed as described under “Experimental procedures.” SF, stoichiometric factor.