Infections transmitted by direct contact |
Clostridioides difficile
Frequent and thorough handwashing especially when touching mucous membranes |
Non tuberculous mycobacterium |
Wear gloves whenever handling heavily contaminated materials |
Avoid going barefoot outside |
Wear shoes, socks, long pants, and long-sleeved shirts while doing gardening, yard work, farming, or being in parks or wooded areas |
Avoid self-piercing or tattooing or sharing of needles |
Respiratory infections |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Avoid close contact with persons with respiratory illnesses |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Avoid crowded areas |
Avoid tobacco or marijuana smoke |
Avoid activities and occupational settings that increase the risk of exposure to tuberculosis |
Wear a mask if exposure to above high-risk areas is unavoidable |
Food safety |
Escherichia coli 0157:H7 |
Avoid the following: |
● Drinking unpasteurized milk, fruit, or vegetable juice/cider |
● Eating cheeses made with unpasteurized milk |
● Eating raw or undercooked eggs |
● Ingesting raw seed sprouts |
● Cross-contamination when preparing food |
● Eating uncooked pate, meat spreads, cold cuts, and smoked seafood |
● Eating from public salad bars or buffets, street vendors, picnics |
● Eating any food prepared by someone with a recent diarrheal illness |
Animal contact related infections |
Avoid contact with animals that have diarrhea |
Take the pet regularly to the veterinarian for checkups |
Avoid cleaning bird cages, bird feeders, litter boxes, and handling animal feces |
Avoid stray animals |
Mycobacterium marinum
Avoid animal bites and scratches |
Wear gloves to clean aquariums or have someone else in the household do the cleaning |
Sexually transmitted infections |
Treponema pallidum
Always use latex condoms outside of long term monogamous relationship or during periods of immunosuppression |
Neisseria gonorrhea
Avoid exposure to feces during sexual activity |
Chlamydia trachomatis
Work and school related infections |
Seek guidance from transplant teams and/or transplant |
infectious disease consultants regarding the following: |
The optimal timing of returning to work or school |
Mitigating potential infectious risks in the workplace |
Reported outbreaks of infections in the workplace or at school |