Figure 2.
Metabolic genes responsible for glutamine uptake and glutaminolysis were notably highly expressed in colorectal SRCC. (A) fold change of transcripts of genes driving glucose, fatty acid and glutamine uptake were detected by qRT-PCR in SRCC organoids and paired normal organoids; (B) qRT-PCR showing change of genes mediating glutaminolysis in SRCC organoids. (C) western blot showing SLC1A5 and GPT2 expression in SRCC organoids and paired normal organoids; (D) SLC1A5 and GPT2 expression between paired normal tissues and SRCC tumor tissues in twenty patients from FUSCC database; (E) IHC staining of SRCC tumor tissues and paired normal tissues microarrays using SLC1A5 and GPT2 antibody for patients from FUSCC (light microscope, 200×). *, P<0.05. SRCC, signet-ring cell carcinoma.