XhABFA activates transcription from ‘seed gene’ promoters.
(a) Differentially regulated bZIP transcription factors (TFs) in Xerophyta humilis leaves and/or seeds, together with most likely bZIP group classification based on top BLASTP hit against the Swissprot database. Group A bZIPs have been shaded.
(b) Protoplasts from 4‐week‐old Arabidopsis thaliana plants were co‐transfected with three vectors: 35S‐GFP, Firefly LUC and 35S‐Renilla LUC. The GFP vector either contained 35S‐XhABFA or it was an empty vector ‘EV’ control. The Firefly LUC reporter contained one of four promoter elements: XhPER1, XhECP63, XhDSI‐1VOC or XhAHL23. Firefly LUC activity was determined 22 h post‐transfection and normalised to the geometric mean value of the Renilla LUC and GFP signals for each transfection. Values shown are mean Firefly LUC activities ± SD from nine biological repeats (except XhECP63‐LUC where n = 8 and XhAHL23‐LUC where n = 5). The P‐values shown are from a two‐tailed t‐test with Bonferroni correction (**
P < 0.01).