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. 2020 Apr 28;17:9. doi: 10.1186/s12979-020-00179-9

Table 2.

Baseline Volunteer Characteristics for Senior and Junior cohorts

Number (Percent) Male 13 (50%) 11 (42%) 6 (42%)
Number (Percent) White 25 (96%) 24 (92%) 7 (50%)
Number (Percent) African-American 1 (4%) 2 (8%) 4 (26%)
Median age [range] 73 [65–81] 72 [65–80] 26 [21–34]
Age 65–74 (percent) 20 (77%) 19 (73%) n/a
Age 75–81 (percent) 6 (23%) 7 (27%) n/a
Smoker (< 10 cigarettes per day) 0 0 1 (7%)
Median years of education [range] 12 [4–16] 12 [10–18] 16 [14–18]
Alcohol (> 1 can beer, 1 glass wine, or 1 oz. liqueur daily). 0 0 0
Previous influenza or pneumococcal immunization 25 (96%) 25 (96%) 0
Median number of medications [range] 4 [0–8] 3 [0–9] 1 [0–4]
Use of supplemental vitamins 18 (69%) 17 (65%) 5 (36%)
Median co-morbid conditions [range]* 3 [0–7] 3 [0–7] Not done
Median weight (kg) [range] 79.5 [55–110] 79.5 [53–114]
Median Body Mass Index [range]** 27.7 [22.3–38.6] 29.0 [20.0–41.9]
Median body percentage fat [range] 37.1 [24.5–49.1] 36.9 [20.9–51.4]
Median Charlson Index [range] *** 0 [0–3] 0 [0–3]
Median Mini-Mental Status Exam score+ 29 [23–30] 30 [25–30]
Median OARS score [range]# 0 [0–2] 0 [0–0]
Geriatric Depression Scale scores## 0 [0–2] 0 [0–2]

Seniors were randomized to receive the Hepatitis B vaccine by intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) administration. Baseline characteristics were similar between Senior IM and SC administration groups. (*) Based on 12 common medical conditions; none = 0, maximum =12. (**) BMI “Normal” =18.5–24.9; “overweight” = 25.1–29.9; “obese” grade 1 = 30–34.9, grade 2 = 35–39.9; grade 3 ≥ 40 [29]. (***) Prognostic 10-year survival for individuals with multiple comorbidities: 0 = 99%; 2 = 90% [30]. (+) Measure of cognitive impairment. Score 24–30 indicates no cognitive impairment [31]. (#) Older Americans Resources and Services, a measure of functional status. Score < 3 = no assistance required for daily activities [32]. (##) Any one symptom of depression; maximum depression score = 15 [33]. n/a = not applicable