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. 2020 Apr 28;179:115899. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115899

Table 3.

Occurrence of Coronavirus of interest for human health in water environments.

Reference Virus Water matrix Country Year Main findings
Wang et al., 2005b Severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Sewage water from two hospitals receiving SARS patients Beijing, China 2003
  • SARS-CoV RNA was found in the sewage before disinfection from both hospitals, and from one hospital after disinfection

  • No infectious SARS-CoV was detected in the hospital sewage either before or after disinfection

Stools (n = 11) from symptomatic patients in the two hospitals
  • SARS-CoV RNA detected in 7/11 samples

  • No infectious virus in any the stool samples

Blanco et al. (2019) Alphacoronavirus
Surface water (water channels) Central Saudi Arabia 2015
  • One sample out of 21 was positive for Coronavirus by broad-range semi-nested RT-PCR

The detected virus belonged to lineage A of Alphacoronavirus and was related to a rodent clade
Hepatitis A virus
  • Eight samples out of 21 were positive for Hepatitis A virus by real-time RT-qPCR

Bibby et al. (2011) Human coronavirus 229E a
Human coronavirus HKU1 a
Class B biosolids from wastewater treatment facility b USA unk
  • Nine Human coronavirus 229E and one Human coronavirus HKU1 sequences were detected

  • Coronavirus represented the second most abundant group of human pathogenic viruses in biosolid samples after Parechovirus

Benchmark virome
  • Detected viruses included both environmentally transmitted pathogens (Parechovirus, Coronavirus, Adenovirus and Aichi virus), and viruses associated with chronic human infections (Herpesvirus and Hepatitis C virus)

Bibby& Peccia (2013) Human Coronavirus HKU1 a
Human coronavirus 229E a
Influent and effluent sludge c USA unk
  • Coronavirus were detected in 83% of samples

  • Coronavirus HKU1 was the second most prevalent RNA virus

  • Coronavirus showed a higher relative abundance in influent samples compared to effluent ones

Benchmark virome
  • 43 (26 DNA, 17 RNA) different types of human viruses were identified in sewage sludge

  • The most abundant potential viral human pathogen belonged to the family Herpesvirus Viral pathogens identification included type strains of (DNA viruses) Papillomavirus, Adenovirus, Bocavirus, Parvovirus, and Torque Teno Virus and (RNA viruses) Coronavirus, Cosavirus, Klassevirus, Rotavirus, Hepatitis C virus, Parechovirus, Sapovirus, Astrovirus, Coxsackievirus, Rhinovirus, T-lymphotropic virus, Human Immunodeficiency virus, Aichi virus, and Rubella virus

Alexyuk et al. (2017) Coronaviridae a Surface water (river, water reservoir, lake) Ile-Balkhash, Kazakhstan 2017
  • Coronaviridae represented the 0.002–0.009% of total viral reads, depending on sample

Benchmark virome
  • 37 families of viruses (including dsDNA, ssDNA, ssRNA viruses) were identified

  • Sequences mainly referred to dsDNA viruses, mostly bacteriophages (Myoviridae, Siphoviridae and Podoviridae)

  • Other detected viruses included families as Poxviridae (0.588–0.660%), Herpesviridae (0.084–0.136%), Adenoviridae (0.009–0.011%), Coronaviridae (0.002–0.009%), Reoviridae (0–0.016%), and Picornaviridae (0–0.002%)

Note: For comparison purposes, other microorganisms detected in the studies were reported under ‘benchmark’.


Metagenomic study.


Solid residuals by primary sedimentation and secondary activated sludge clarification, treated by mesophilic anaerobic digestion, and partially dewatered by belt pressing.


Influent and effluent sludge from mesophilic anaerobic digesters from domestic wastewater treatment plants. Influent samples were mixtures of primary and secondary sludge; effluent samples were of a class B product, prior to dewatering.