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. 2019 Jan 28;69(11):1888–1895. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciz063

Table 1.

Model Parameter Inputs and Sources

State Transitions HCV Stage Mean Sampled Value (2.5%–97.5% quantiles) Sampling Distribution Source
HCV chronic prevalence among pregnant women 0.73% (0.71–0.75%) Uniform Range: 0.709–0.751 [2]
HCV antibody prevalence among pregnant women 1.10% (1.02–1.20%) Calculated based on spontaneous clearance rate
Proportion who spontaneously clear their acute infection 34% (30–38%) Uniform Range: 30–38 [9]
Annual loss to follow-up rates after HCV diagnosis 12% (7–17%) Uniform Range: 7–17 [10]
Proportion of HCV-infected pregnant women previously diagnosed and linked to care 18% (10–25%) Uniform Range: 10–26 [11, 12] See text
Background testing and linkage rate per year 5% (2.6–7.4%) Uniform Range: 2.5–7.5 Assuming an annual testing rate of 10%/year with 50% linked to care [13]
HCV chronic prevalence among PWID (%) 52% (44–59%) Uniform Range: 43–60 [14, 15]
Liver disease stage transition rate per year F0 to F1 0.1125 (0.996–0.1261) Beta (251.2107, 1984.813) [16]
F1 to F2 0.1125 (0.996–0.1261) Beta (251.2107, 1984.813) [16]
F2 to F3 0.1125 (0.996–0.1261) Beta (251.2107, 1984.813) [16]
F3 to F4 0.1125 (0.996–0.1261) Beta (251.2107, 1984.813) [16]
F4 to DC 0.0406 (0.0312–0.0520) Beta (58.49116, 1380.788) [17–19]
F4 to HCC 0.0212 (0.0163–0.0276) Beta (52.83443, 2417.472) [17–19]
DC to HCC 0.0141 (0.0016–0.0395) Beta (1.9326, 136.1074) [17]
DC/HCC to transplant 0.0313 (0.0014–0.1077) Beta (1.152814, 36.03474) [17, 19, 20]
Proportion who achieve SVR 0.90 Uniform Range: 0.85–0.95 [3]
Liver-related death rates per year F4 0.0324 (0.01716–0.05234) Beta (12.44677, 371.1121) [21]
DC 0.2210 (0.1207–0.3414) Beta (11.61594, 40.93614) [21]
HCC 0.2210 (0.1207–0.3414) Beta (11.61594, 40.93614) [21, 22]
Transplant year 1 0.1715 (0.1378–0.2081) Beta (75.4499, 364.4907) [23]
Post-transplant (year 2+) 0. 0353 (0.0288–0.0425) Beta (97.65551, 2665.93) [23]
Annual background mortality rate Varies by age [2, 24] WHO lifetable, assuming age 27 at pregnancy
Relative risk of progression if SVR compared to no SVR F4 to DC 0.07 (0.03–0.2) Lognormal (5.6356,2.43983) [25]
F4 to HCC 0.23 (0.16–0.35) Lognormal (−3.37754,1.9534) [25, 26]
DC to HCC 1 -
HCV fibrosis distribution among HCV diagnosed women F0 0.16 [27]
F1 0.43
F2 0.21
F3 0.10
F4 0.10
Cost (all costs inflated to USD 2018 [28])
 Annual costs for non-treatment medical expenses among HCV-infected patients F0–F3 $511 ($304–734) Uniform ± 50% point estimate [29–31]
F4 $2898 ($2009–3786) Uniform ± 50% point estimate
DC $34 319 ($32 352–36 330) Uniform ± 50% point estimate
HCC $54 741 ($49 302–60 014) Uniform ± 50% point estimate
Liver transplant Y1 $225 320 ($119 270–330 260) Uniform ± 50% point estimate [30]
Liver transplant following years $55 196 ($28 773–81 181) Uniform ± 50% point estimate [30]
 HCV antibody test (including consultation) $39 [22, 32]
 HCV RNA test (including consultation) $52 [22, 32]
 Liver elastography $130 [22, 32]
 HCV antiviral therapy drug cost only, per treatment course $25 000 [33] and glecaprevir/pibrentasvir wholesale acquisition cost
 Treatment delivery costs per course $1249 ($676–1853) Uniform ± 50% point estimate [3] Supplementary Table S1
Health utilities
 Uninfected 1 [20]
 HCV-infected patients F0 0.93 (0.83–1) Beta (59.95413, 4.512676) [20, 34, 35]
F1, F2 0.86 (0.78–0.94) Beta (29.92649, 4.871755)
F3 0.83 (0.78–0.89) Beta (12.30437, 2.520171)
F4 0.81 (0.68–0.89) Beta (41.6698, 9.774397)
DC 0.70 (0.56–0.79) Beta (39.8121, 17.06233)
HCC 0.67 (0.56–0.78) Beta (35.508, 17.48901)
Posttransplant 0.71 (0.69–0.79) Beta (7.612184, 3.109202)
 Incremental increase in health utility upon SVR 0.05 [36]

Abbreviations: DC, decompensated cirrhosis; F0–F4, fibrosis stages 0–4; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HCV, hepatitis C virus; PWID, people who inject drugs; SVR, sustained viral response; USD, United States dollars; WHO, World Health Organization.