A) Whole mount retinas from
Shd2daiECKO and
Sh2d2aiECWT mice, as shown in
Figure 3 but displayed without overlays. Panels showing close up of tuft detail are placed to the right-hand side of each full retina image. Scale bar = 500 µm. Inset scale bar = 100 µm. (
B) OIR timeline, showing the period of increased oxygen concentration with timing of tamoxifen administration given for the experiments on
Shd2daiECKO and
Sh2d2aiECWT mice. (
C) Bar graph showing the observed Cre-induced recombination in
Sh2d2afl/fl animals crossed with an mT/mG strain. Recombination calculated as the GFP fluorescent area divided by the IB4 positive total vascular area. (
Kdr+/+ retinas, immunostained for VE-cadherin (green) and VE-cadherin pY658 (magenta; upper) or VE-cadherin pY685 (magenta;l ower) showing phosphorylation of VE-cadherin in capillaries and veins and increased staining in neovascular tufts. Scale bar = 25 µm. A, artery.