Antibodies |
α-Rb mouse mAb [4H1] |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat#9309, RRID:AB_823629 |
α-RB mouse mAb [G3-245] |
BD Biosciences |
Cat#556538, RRID:AB_396458 |
α-Rb(p-S807/S811) rabbit mAb [D20B12] |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat#8516, RRID:AB_11178658 |
α-Rb(p-T373) rabbit mAb [EP821Y] |
Abcam |
Cat#ab52975, RRID:AB_2177344 |
α-Rb(p-S608) rabbit pAb |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat#2181, RRID:AB_331517 |
α-Rb(p-S780) mouse mAb [J146-35] |
BD Biosciences |
Cat#558385, RRID:AB_647294 |
α-cyclin D1 rabbit mAb [SP4] |
Thermo Scientific |
Cat#RM-9104-S0, RRID:AB_149914 |
α-cyclin A rabbit pAb [C-19] |
Santa Cruz Biotechnology |
Cat#sc-596, RRID:AB_631330 |
α-Cdc6 mouse mAb [180.2] |
Santa Cruz Biotechnology |
Cat#sc-9964, RRID:AB_627236 |
α-actin mouse mAb [C4] |
Millipore |
Cat#MAB1501, RRID:AB_2223041 |
α-GAPDH rabbit mAb |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cata#5174, RRID:AB_10622025 |
α-FLAG mouse mAb [M2] |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#F3165, RRID:AB_259529 |
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins |
CDK1/2i III |
EMD Millipore |
Cat#217714, CAS#443798-55-8 |
Ribociclib |
Selleckchem |
Cat#S7440, CAS#1211441-98-3 |
Abemaciclib |
Selleckchem |
Cat#S7158, CAS#1231929-97-7 |
EMD Millipore |
Cat#238803, CAS#199986-75-9 |
Actinomycin D |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#A1410, CAS#50-76-0 |
Trimethoprim |
Cayman Chemical |
Cat#16473, CAS#738-70-5 |
PhosSTOP phosphatase inhibitor cocktail |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#4906837001 |
EDTA-free Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktail |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat#78439 |
Cytoskeleton |
Cat#BSA04, CAS#34369-07-8 |
GST-RbC (769) |
Santa Cruz Biotechnology |
Cat#sc-4112 |
Chemiluminescent Substrate |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat#34080 |
Hoechst 33342, Trihydrochloride, Trihydrate |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
H3570, CAS#23491-52-3 |
EdU (5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine) |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
A10044 |
Palbociclib |
Selleckchem |
Cat#S1116, CAS#571190-30-2 |
Critical Commercial Assays |
Click-iT Cell Reaction Buffer Kit |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Deposited Data |
Raw scans and images |
Mendeley Data | |
Experimental Models: Cell Lines |
Human: HS68 |
Cat#CRL-1635, RRID:CVCL_0839 |
Human: HUVEC |
Lonza |
Cat#C2519A |
Human: RPE1-hTERT |
Cat#CRL-4000, RRID:CVCL_4388 |
Mouse: E1−/−E2−/−A1−/−A2f/f MEF |
Kalaszczynska et al., 2009. |
N/A |
Human: MCF-10A |
Cat#CRL-10317, RRID:CVCL_0598 |
Oligonucleotides |
non-targeting siRNA (negative control) |
Dharmacon |
Cat#D-00180-10-05 |
RB1 siRNA |
Dharmacon |
siGENOME pool |
CDH1 siRNA |
Dharmacon |
siGENOME pool |
Dharmacon |
siSMART pool |
RNA FISH probe for E2F1 |
Affymetrix |
Cat#VX-06 |
RNA FISH probe for CCNE1 |
Affymetrix |
Cat#VX-06 |
Recombinant DNA |
CSII-pEF1a-DHB(aa994-1087)-mVenus |
Spencer et al., 2013 |
N/A |
CSII-pEF1a-mCherry-Geminin(aa1-110) |
Cappell et al., 2016 |
N/A |
pCru5-DHFR-mCherry-cyclin E1 |
This Paper |
N/A |
pCru5-DHFR-cyclin D1-IRES-puro |
This Paper |
N/A |
pCru5-DHFR-Cre |
This Paper |
N/A |
CSII-pEF1a-H2B-mTurquoise |
Spencer et al., 2013 |
N/A |
Software and Algorithms |
Image analysis |
Cappell et al., 2016 |
N/A |