Fig. 3.
Relationship between insulation index, histone marks, and gene expression. a–c Plots displaying the insulation index over genes marked (red line) or not marked (blue line) by H3K9ac (a), H3K36me3 (b), and H3K27me3 (c). d–f Metaplots showing the normalized ChIP-seq read density of H3K9ac (d), H3K36me3 (e), and H3K27me3 (f) median enrichment over the genes categorized from low (first quantile, blue line) to high insulation index (tenth quantile, red line). g Plot displaying the insulation index over genes bound to RNAPII (red line) or not bound (blue line). h Plot displaying the insulation index over genes expressed (red line) or not expressed (blue line). i Plot displaying the insulation index over expressed genes categorized from low expression level (first quartile yellow line) to high expression level (fourth quartile brown line). j Metaplots showing the normalized RNAPII ChIP-seq read density over genes categorized from low (first quantile, blue line) to high (tenth quantile, red line) insulation index. Normalized ChIP-seq read densities along the gene and 2-kb region flanking the TSS or the TES are shown