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. 2020 Apr 28;20:572. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-08660-2

Table 2.

Goodness-of-fit measures for various cut-offs for the delay in reporting among fever cases using hospital-based survey data (N = 350)

Goodness-of-fit parameters Logistic models with various cut-offs for delay
> 2 days > 3 days > 4 days > 5 days
Overall model fit
 Log likelihood − 195.8208 − 230.0087 − 207.0900 −171.8360
 AIC   417.6415   486.0173   440.1800   369.6721
 BIC   467.7946   536.1704   490.3331   419.8252
 Hosmer-Lemeshow test p-value   0.5965   0.5136   0.4436   0.2497
Model discrimination
 ROC area   0.6748   0.6474   0.6626   0.6430
 Somers’ D statistic   0.3495   0.2947   0.3253   0.2860
Model classification
 Sensitivity   0.9639   0.6222   0.1339   0.0000
 Specificity   0.1485   0.6118   0.9370   100.00
 Positive predictive value (PPV)   0.7362   0.6292   0.5000   0.0000
 Negative predictive value (NPV)   0.6250   0.6047   0.6969   0.7914
 Correctly classified   0.7286   0.6171   0.6800   0.7914
Model calibration
 Brier score   0.1876   0.2327   0.2031   0.1585
 CITL −2.63E-10   4.90E-08   4.95E-08 −7.06E-08
 E/O ratio   1   1   1   1
 C-slope −1.79E-08 −9.34E-10 −4.49E-09   1.26E-08

AIC Alike information criterion, BIC Bayesian information criterion, ROC receiver operation characteristic, CITL calibration-in-the-large, E/O expected/observed, C-slope: calibration-slope