Figure 3.
Analysis of actin networks in magnocellular neurons. Immunostaining for β-actin in adult rat brain sections imaged by super-resolution SIM reveals subcortical (A) and cytoplasmic comet-like (B) actin networks in magnocellular VP neurons. Sections through multiple brain areas of seven rats were examined for the analysis and quantification of the subcortical actin layer and cytoplasmic comet-like structures. C, Line scan plots showing mean ± SEM values of actin fluorescence in g.l. as a function of distance from the cell perimeter, in magnocellular VP neurons from SON (67) and PVN (60), CA1 hippocampal neurons (30), cortical neurons (CX, 24); also see Extended Data Figure 3-1 for additional neuronal cell types. D, Mean subcortical actin layer intensity in neurons from SON (67), PVN (60), CX (24), SCN (36), ARC (45), PVN parvocellular VP neurons (PRV, 14), and hippocampal CA1 (23), CA3 (30), and DG (30) neurons. E, Mean subcortical actin layer thickness in neurons from SON (64), PVN (60), ARC (39), PRV (15), and hippocampal CA1 (35), CA3 (23), and DG (28) neurons. F, Mean density of comet-like actin structures in magnocellular VP neurons from SON (64), PVN (60), CX (25), SCN (33), ARC (39), and PRV (15). G, Mean length of comet-like actin structures in magnocellular VP neurons from SON (64), PVN (60), CX (14), SCN (16), ARC (27), and PRV (13). Data are presented as mean ± SEM; **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001; ns, not significant. Additional statistical parameters are shown in Extended Data Figure 3-2.