(A) Heat map of significantly regulated genes (based on adjusted p-value p<0.05) in both comparisons of Mx1 chow vs. Mx1 KD, and Mx1 KD vs. Mx1 Tcrd−/− KD. Genes are ranked from highest to lowest expression. (B-F) Representative images of lung airway PAS staining. Arrowheads indicate PAS-positive cells. Scale bars, 100um. (G) Quantification of PAS staining images. Statistical differences were calculated by 1-way ANOVA with Tukey’s correction for multiple comparisons. Data are represented as mean±SEM and n=4 mice/group. (H) Correlation analysis of lung Scgb1a1 expression with BAL viral titers collected on day 3 post-IAV infection. Statistics were calculated by linear regression pooled from chow (n=5), KD (n=5), and Mx1 Tcrd−/− KD (n=4). For all graphs, each symbol represents an individual mouse. *p<0.05.