Disrupted categorical rate modulation in the CA3 with DG lesions. A, Examples of stepwise rate modulation in the CA3 units with intact DG. M denotes the in-field mean firing rate, R2 denotes the goodness-of-fit of the better explaining model. BIC values (blue from the sigmoidal model and red from the quadratic model) used for the categorization are shown below the rate map. Blue lines indicate well fit sigmoidal models, and red lines indicate well fit quadratic models. B, Examples of gradual rate modulation in the CA3 units with DG lesions. The dotted lines indicate poor fit (R2 < 0.3) of the models. C, Scatterplot of the inflection points and the goodness-of-fit parameters from the sigmoidal model in Blurred sessions (N = 40 cells). The control and lesion groups are marked in different colors. Units with inflection points <1 were excluded from the plot (7 units from the lesion group and 2 units from the control group). D, The proportions of units that are better explained by the sigmoidal model (pattern separator-like cells, blue) and by the quadratic model (non-pattern separators, red) in the control and lesion groups. E, The population scene-tuning curve from control (left) and DG-lesion group (right) in the Blurred sessions. BIC values from the sigmoidal model (blue) and quadratic model (red) are shown below the scene-tuning curves (blue solid line: sigmoidal, red dashed line: quadratic).