The SVM classification results in Experiment 1. The y-axis shows the mean classification accuracy (%), and the dotted line marks the chance level of the three-way classification (0.33). The bar graph represents the mean accuracy, and gray dots on top of the bar represent individual subject data. The star at the bottom of a bar indicates above-chance classification accuracy. The statistical test suggested no hemispheric difference in any of ROIs, so we report results from bilaterally merged ROIs. Among three scene-selective regions, only the OPA showed above-chance classification across Near, Middle, and Far in the No-Glass-Wall condition (p < 0.01). Further, an analysis of the confusion matrix suggested that the above-chance classification accuracy was not driven by a single distance level. The EVC showed significant classification accuracy for both the No-Glass-Wall (p < 0.01) and Glass-Wall conditions (p < 0.01). *P < 0.05; n.s. indicates not significant.