1. Introduction to ear and hearing health and disorders |
Common causes of hearing impairment |
The effects of hearing loss |
Common predisposing/risk factors for hearing impairment/loss |
2. Ear hygiene and first aid |
How to keep the ears clean |
Complaints of earwax and advices to give |
Complaints of pain in the ear and first aid |
How to prevent ear infections children |
Noise as a hazard to the ear |
Ototoxic medications |
3. Practice-based skills |
Detection and diagnosis of simple ear problems |
Problem-solving techniques/use of the headlight |
How to perform ear syringing |
How to dry mop the ear canal |
How and when to perform simple wick dressing using local materials |
Red flags and referrals to hearing health professionals |
Understanding simple topical drug treatments |
4. Ear and hearing health promotion and counseling |
Introduction to ear care promotion |
Stigma and discrimination |
Personal hygiene and effects on ear infections |
Introduction to counseling |
Harmful traditional practices |
Raising awareness in the community and in schools |