A) Cartoon representations of composition of trabecular bone and BM in health and disease ((eg. osteoporotic, aged, or diabetic). B) Tissue Engineered 3D Human Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue On Silk Scaffold. Maximum z-projection of confocal imaging. hBMAT was seeded to silk, cultured until confluent (Day 10) and then switched to adipogenic media for 29 more days. Fixed scaffolds were stained with Oil Red O (lipids, red), phalloidin (actin, green), and DAPI (nuclei, blue). Scaffold is autofluorescent (blue/purple). Both adipocytes (red, lipidladen cells) and undifferentiated stromal cells (green cells with mesenchymal phenotype) are observed throughout the sample. Scale bar = 200 μm.