Figure 3. Characterization of spatial and temporal distributions of FtsZ transient assemblies that contain 2.5% or higher amount of FtsZ relative to the cell total.
(A) Top: The positions of assemblies along the long axis of cell as a function of time. Assemblies at the mid-cell are shown by black and in cell peripheries by red markers as explained by the inset. Time axis is scaled by time when the Z-ring forms (Tz). Bottom: Number of assemblies in the mid-cell and two peripheries combined as a function of normalized time. Solid lines in panels (A)-(C) are linear fits. Parameters of these fittings are collected to Table S2.
(B) The fluorescent intensities from assemblies as function of normalized time. The intensities are scaled by the total fluorescent intensity from the cell and averaged over the lifetime of each assembly. The small markers are individual data points and the large markers the binned data.
(C) Lifetimes of assemblies at the mid-cell (black) and in the periphery (red) as a function of normalized time.
(D) Distribution of assemblies (left) and Z-ring positions (right) along the long axes of the cell. Positions are normalized by the cell length. Panels (A-D) correspond to WT cells (strain JM26).
(E-F) Same distributions for ΔzapA (strain BEW2), and ΔminC cells (strain BEW1), respectively.
(G) Comparison of sizes of assemblies in WT, ΔzapA and ΔminC strains. See also Figure S3.
(H) Comparison of lifetimes of the assemblies in these three strains. In last two panels error bars are std error.