Table 2.
See also Pillay et al.32 and Appendix A.1.
Feature category | Feature description |
SD, mean absolute amplitudes, Max. Absolute amplitude, and sum of first and second derivatives, Max-min difference of amplitudes, Skewness and Kurtosis, Hjorth activity, complexity, mobility, ApEn, SampEn, and MSE (scales 1-10), SD of MSE values, Area under multiscale curve, Average slope of multiscale curve (scales 1-5), Average slope of multiscale curve (scales 6-20), Max MSE value, Katz and Higuchi Fractal Dimensions (kmax=20,40,60), Zero crossing rate SD, Coastline distance, Mean and SD TKEO values, 90% peak value, width, prominence, Line Length suppression value (supp), Line Length Burst% Mean, median, LM (5th percentile), HM (95th percentile), SD, IQR, and skewness of rEEG. SD and mean absolute amplitudes in delta, theta, alpha, beta frequency bands, Hilbert median envelope amplitude, delta, theta, Hilbert median instantaneous frequency, delta, theta bands. |
Wavelet decomposition |
Mean absolute value and SD of amplitudes in D3, D4, D5, A5 bands, Ratio of absolute mean values in adjacent sub bands, Sum of squared coefficients in D3, D4, D5, A5 bands. |
Variation coefficients of IMF1-IMF6, Fluctuation index of IMF1-IMF6, Mean absolute ratio of each pair of successive IMFs, Hilbert median instantaneous frequency, IMF1-IMF6. |
Fourier-transform |
Full band power (delta-beta range), Mean frequency, Spectral roll-off SD, centroid SD, flux SD, Power spectral entropy, 90% spectral edge frequency, Relative band power in delta, theta, alpha, beta bands, Mean frequency in delta, theta, alpha, beta bands, EEG spectral beta/alpha ratio, |
Features calculated from each 30 second epoch, including time domain and frequency domain measures.
SD: Standard Deviation, IQR: Interquartile Range, ApEn: Approximate Entropy, SampEn: Sample Entropy, MSE: Multiscale Entropy, EMD: Empirical Mode Decomposition, IMF: Intrinsic Mode Function, TKEO: Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator.
delta: 0.5–3 Hz, theta: 3–8 Hz, alpha: 8–12 Hz, beta: 12–30 Hz.