Figure 3. BAT is protected in Asxl2ΔLysM mice.
(A) Hematoxylin and eosin–stained histological sections of BAT of Asxl2fl/fl and Asxl2ΔLysM mice after 8 weeks on chow diet or HFD. Scale bar: 300 μm. (B) BAT weight of HFD-fed Asxl2fl/fl and Asxl2ΔLysM mice. (C) UCP1-immunostained histological sections of BAT of Asxl2fl/fl and Asxl2ΔLysM mice after 8 weeks on chow diet or HFD. Scale bar: 200 μm. (D) qPCR analysis of Ucp1 mRNA abundance in Asxl2fl/fl and Asxl2ΔLysM mice after 8 weeks on HFD. (E) Immunoblot of UCP1 abundance in Asxl2fl/fl and Asxl2ΔLysM mice after 8 weeks on HFD. (F and G) PET scan determination of (F) palmitate and (G) fludeoxyglucose metabolism in BAT of Asxl2fl/fl and Asxl2ΔLysM mice after 8 weeks on HFD. (F) Serum free fatty acids (H) and triglycerides (I) of Asxl2fl/fl and Asxl2ΔLysM mice after 8 weeks on chow diet or HFD. (J) Core body temperature of Asxl2fl/fl and Asxl2ΔLysM mice maintained at room temperature (RT, 23°C) or 4° for 30 minutes, after 8 weeks on chow diet or HFD. (K) Two-month-old Ucp1–/–, Asxl2fl/fl, Asxl2ΔLysM, and Asxl2ΔLysM Ucp1–/– mice were fed HFD for 8 weeks at neutral thermal temperature (30°C); body weight change was measured with time. *P < 0.05 for comparisons between Ucp1–/– and Asxl2ΔLysM Ucp1–/–; #P < 0.05 for comparisons between Asxl2ΔLysM and Asxl2ΔLysM Ucp1–/– at 8 weeks of HFD.Data are presented as mean ± SD. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; as determined by unpaired t test (B and D) or 2-way ANOVA with Holm-Sidak post hoc analysis for multiple comparisons (F, H, J, and K).