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. 2020 Apr 23;11:317. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00317

Table 2.

Overview of psychometric analyses performed.

NPTA in Spruyt et al Sleep categories Factor analysis Reliability analyses Validity analyses Confirmatory analysis ROC Normative values or cutoffs Clinical classification Specific population
AIS (5) P quality structure test-retest; internal convergent/discriminant yes; a total
score ≥7
original AIS developed per ICD-10 DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of insomnia by interview
ASHS (6) P yes regularity, hygiene, ecology, structure internal convergent/discriminant confirmatory
ASHS (7) P yes regularity, hygiene, ecology, test-retest, internal construct; convergent/discriminant insomnia per DSM-IV-TR
yes regularity, hygiene, ecology structure test-retest, internal convergent/discriminant confirmatory
ASHS (9) PT (Persian) yes regularity, hygiene, ecology structure test-retest, internal content; construct confirmatory
ASQ (10) N quality, sleepiness face ICSD
ASWS (11) P yes quantity, hygiene structure internal content; construct confirmatory
ASWS (12) P yes quantity, hygiene structure internal construct
BEARS (13) PT (Spanish) yes quantity, quality, sleepiness criterion ICD-10 diagnoses assigned to these children,
prior to the commencement of the parent group
intervention were: F90,
F98.2, F93.3,
F80.1, F93.0,
BEDS (14) A yes quantity, quality, hygiene, ecology test-retest; internal construct; convergent/discriminant Down syndrome
BISQ (15) T (Spanish) yes quantity, hygiene test-retest; interrater/observer content; construct
BRIAN-K (16) N regularity, hygiene, structure internal content; construct
CAS-15 (17) P quality structure test-retest; internal; interrater/observer construct; criterion; convergent/discriminant yes; a score ≥32
CBCL (18) P yes quantity, quality,sleepiness test-retest convergent/discriminant patients were diagnosed with sleep disorders according to ICSD-2
CCTQ (19) T (Turkish) quantity, regularity internal content
CCTQ (20) P quantity, regularity test-retest; internal criterion
CCTQ (21) PT (Chinese) quantity, regularity test-retest. internal content; construct
CRSP (22) P quantity, quality, sleepiness, hygiene structure content; construct confirmatory
CRSP (23) N quantity, quality, sleepiness, hygiene internal construct; criterion; convergent/discriminant
CRSP (24) P quantity, quality, sleepiness, hygiene structure test-retest; internal construct; criterion; convergent/discriminant confirmatory
CRSP (25) PT quantity, quality, sleepiness, hygiene structure internal convergent/discriminant confirmatory mean (SD)/n(%)
CRSP-S (26) P sleepiness structure test-retest; internal construct; convergent/discriminant confirmatory
CSAQ (27) N quantity, quality, sleepiness structure test-retest; internal; interrater/observer content; construct; convergent/discriminant
CSHQ (28) P quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology test-retest construct; criterion original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (29) AT (Portuguese) quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure test-retest; internal convergent/discriminant original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (30) P quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (31) P quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure test-retest; internal content; construct confirmatory original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (32) P quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure internal content; construct confirmatory original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (33) T (Dutch) quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure test-retest; internal; interrater/observer confirmatory original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (34) T (Dutch) quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure internal confirmatory a mean total CSHQ score of 41.9±5.6 original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (35) A quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology internal convergent/discriminant original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1 allergic rhinitis
CSHQ (36) A quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure internal original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1 autism spectrum disorder
CSHQ (37) P quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure internal criterion original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (short)
A quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology internal convergent/discriminant confirmatory yes; a total CSHQ score of ≥ 24 original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1 clinical samples diagnoses based on the DSM-IV: pervasive developmental disorders, attention-deficit and disruptive behavior
disorders, anxiety disorders; depressive disorders, and others and also without psychiatric
CSHQ (39) PT (German) quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure test-retest; internal content yes; per subscale provided original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1 sleep disorders per ICSD II
CSHQ (40) T (Portuguese) quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure test-retest; internal face original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (41) PT (Spanish) quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure test-retest; internal face; content; construct original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (42) T (Persian) quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure test-retest; internal face; content; construct; convergent/discriminant original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (43) T (Portuguese) quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology test-retest; internal content yes; a cutoff total score of 44 original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1 ICSD II for Sleep Related Breathing Disorder, Parasomnia, Behavioral Sleep Disorder
CSHQ (short)
A quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology convergent/discriminant yes; a cutoff total score of 30 original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1
CSHQ (14) P quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology internal construct; convergent/discriminant original was designed to identify sleep problems based on ICSD-1 Down syndrome
CSM (45) T (Polish) regularity, sleepiness internal content; construct accumulated percentile distribution
CSRQ (46) T (English) yes quantity, regularity, sleepiness structure internal confirmatory
CSRQ (47) P quantity, regularity, sleepiness criterion yes; ≥35; optimal sensitivity : 27.5; optimal specificity: 50.5
CSWS (48) P yes quantity, regularity structure test-retest; internal content; construct confirmatory children with Sleep-Onset Association Problems per ICSD
DBAS (49) T (German) quantity, quality, regularity structure internal content confirmatory
DBAS (50) P quantity, quality, regularity structure test-retest; internal content
ESS (51) PT (Tamil) yes sleepiness structure internal face; content; construct confirmatory >11 = excessive daytime sleepiness; 11-14 = moderate and >15 = high
ESS (52) P yes sleepiness internal convergent/discriminant yes. cutoff score of 6
ESS-CHAD (53) P yes sleepiness structure test-retest; internal construct; criterion
FoSI (54) PA quality structure internal convergent/discriminant confirmatory
I SLEEPY (55) N quality, sleepiness criterion yes; those endorsing three or more symptoms or complaints on the questionnaires
IF SLEEPY (55) N quality, sleepiness criterion yes; those endorsing three or more symptoms or complaints on the questionnaires
I'M SLEEPY (55) N quality, sleepiness criterion yes; those endorsing three or more symptoms or complaints on the questionnaires
ISI (5) P quality structure test-retest; internal criterion; convergent/discriminant yes; a total score ≥9 partially diagnostic criteria of insomnia
DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of insomnia by interview
ISI (56) T (Swedish) quality internal criterion partially diagnostic criteria of insomnia
chronic pain
ISI (57) T (German) quality structure internal convergent/discriminant confirmatory partially diagnostic criteria of insomnia
JSQ (58) P quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene structure internal content confirmatory yes; 80 for total score standardized T scores by age and gender; 50.00 ± 10.00
JSQ (preschool)
P quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene structure internal face; criterion yes; cutoff 84 standardized T scores by age and gender; 50.00 ± 10.00
LSTCHQ (60) N quantity, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology test-retest face; content; construct
MCTQ (61) N no, therefore added here regularity
MEQ (62) T (Italian) regularity, sleepiness structure internal content
MEQ (63) P regularity, sleepiness structure internal convergent/discriminant
aMEQ (64) PT
(European Portuguese)
regularity, sleepiness internal face; content mean ± 1SD, percentiles 10 and
90, and the less restrictive percentiles 20/80; cut-points for the males and females
aMEQ-R (65) PA regularity, sleepiness internal content; criterion; convergent/discriminant aMEQ (≤45 and ≥60); aMEQ-R (≤23 and ≥33)
MESC (66) P yes regularity, sleepiness structure internal convergent/discriminant confirmatory
MESSi (67) PT (Turkish) regularity, sleepiness structure internal face; content; convergent/discriminant confirmatory
MESSi (68) P regularity, sleepiness internal convergent/discriminant confirmatory
My Sleep and I (69) P quantity, hygiene, ecology structure internal convergent/discriminant confirmatory
My children's sleep (69) P quantity, hygiene, ecology structure internal convergent/discriminant confirmatory
NARQoL-21 (70) NT (English) quality, sleepiness structure test-retest; internal; content; construct; convergent/discriminant confirmatory yes; a NARQoL-21 score below 42 diagnostic criteria for narcolepsy according to
NSD (71) NA quality Asthma per Global
Initiative for Asthma classification
NSS (72) AT
sleepiness structure internal face; content; convergent/discriminant ICSD-3
OSA Screening Questionnaire (73) N quality face; content Down syndrome
OSA-18 Questionnaire (74) T (Chinese) quality structure test-retest; internal construct; convergent/discriminant confirmatory yes; cutoff scores ranging from 55 to 66 OSA per ICSD 2
OSA-18 Questionnaire (75) T (Chinese) quality test-retest; internal construct; criterion
OSA-18 Questionnaire (76) T (Dutch) quality test-retest; internal convergent/discriminant craniosynostosis
OSA-18 Questionnaire (77) T (Greek) quality test-retest; internal criterion
OSA-18 Questionnaire (78) T (Portuguese) quality internal convergent/discriminant
OSA-18 Questionnaire (79) T (Spanish) quality structure test-retest; internal; interrater/observer construct; convergent/discriminant
OSA-5 Questionnaire (short)
A quality structure internal content confirmatory
OSD-6 QoL Questionnaire (81) T (Greek) yes quality test-retest; internal criterion
oSDB and AT (82) N quality, treatment internal face; content; construct; criterion
OSPQ (83) N quality, regularity, sleepiness structure test-retest; internal face confirmatory the cutoffs for the
95th percentile (T-score of 70) by sex and age
PADSS (84) N quality structure test-retest; internal face; construct yes; cutoff for the overall scale
was located at 13/14
sleepwalking or sleep terror per ICSD
PDSS (85) T (Brazilian Portuguese) quantity, regularity, sleepiness test-retest; internal content
PDSS (86) T (Japanese) quantity, regularity, sleepiness structure test-retest; internal content
PDSS (87) T (Turkish) quantity, regularity, sleepiness structure internal content; construct confirmatory
PDSS (88) P quantity, regularity, sleepiness internal construct confirmatory
quantity, regularity, sleepiness structure test-retest; internal face; content confirmatory
Pediatric Sleep CGIs (90) N quantity, hygiene, ecology convergent/discriminant elements of insomnia as defined by the
Spectrum Disorders
PedsQL(fatigue scale) (91) AT (Arabic) sleepiness internal content; construct; convergent/discriminant cancer
PedsQL (fatigue scale) (92) AT (Chinese) sleepiness structure internal content; construct; criterion confirmatory acute leukemia
PedsQL(fatigue scale) (93) PT (Brazilian Portuguese) sleepiness structure internal construct; convergent/discriminant confirmatory cancer
PISI (94) P quality structure test-retest; internal content; construct; convergent/discriminant confirmatory items per group consensus regarding
the following ICSD-II general insomnia criteria
PNSSS (95) P ecology interrater assess five of the AAP recommendations related to sleep practices
PosaST (96) T (Brazilian Portuguese) quality internal criterion yes; using the cumulative score ≥2.72 of the original scale
PPPS (97) P quantity; regularity, sleepiness, hygiene internal
P-RLS-SS (98) N quality face; content including also ADHD subgroup per DSM-IV
PROMIS (99) P quality, regularity, sleepiness internal face; content
PROMIS (100) P quality, regularity, sleepiness structure content confirmatory
PROMIS (101) P quality, regularity, sleepiness structure internal content; construct confirmatory
PROMIS (102) PA quality, regularity, sleepiness content
PSIS (103) P quality, regularity internal content; construct child psychopathology and functioning per DSM-IV-TR
PSQ (104) P quality internal obese adolescents undergoing bariatric surgery
PSQ (105) T (Turkish) quality internal content; construct items similar DSM-IV
PSQ (106) T (Spanish) quality structure yes; cutoff score >0.33
PSQ (107) T (Malay) quality test-retest; internal face; content
PSQ (108) P quality criterion yes; original 0.33 and AHI>1.5
PSQ (109) P quality face; content yes; cutoff of 0.72–0.76. asthma per ICD 9
PSQ (110) PT (Chinese) quality structure test-retest content; construct
PSQ (111) T (Thai) quality test-retest; internal face; content yes; a cutoff of >0.33
PSQ (112) P quality yes; a cutoff value of seven points
PSQ (113) PT (Portuguese) yes quality test-retest; internal face; content
PSQ (114) PT yes quantity, quality, regularity structure test-retest; internal face; construct confirmatory
PSQI (115) T (Brazilian Portuguese) yes quantity, quality, regularity structure test-retest; internal content confirmatory
PSQI (116) P yes quantity, quality, regularity structure internal content; convergent/discriminant confirmatory
RLS (117) NP quality test-retest; internal face; content calculated RLS index (difference in score between 14 day time points); one control subject had a higher
index value (14) than two
RLS-diagnosed (10 and 13)
criteria for children established
by the International Restless Legs Syndrome
study group
SDIS (118) P yes quantity, quality, sleepiness convergent/discriminant insomnia per ICSD-2 or
SDPC (119) P quantity, quality, sleepiness content cancer
SDSC (120) T (Chinese) yes quantity, quality, sleepiness structure internal construct confirmatory original SDSC fits ASDC
SDSC (121) T (French) yes quantity, quality, sleepiness structure test-retest; internal; interrater/observer construct; convergent/discriminant confirmatory T-score >70 original SDSC fits ASDC
SDSC (122) T (Persian) yes quantity, quality, sleepiness internal construct; convergent/discriminant original SDSC fits ASDC
SDSC (14) P yes quantity, quality, sleepiness internal construct; convergent/discriminant original SDSC fits ASDC Down syndrome
SDSC (123) P yes quantity, quality, sleepiness internal construct; convergent/discriminant original SDSC fits ASDC neurocritical care acquired brain injury
SDSC (124) P yes quantity, quality, sleepiness confirmatory ADHD
SDSC* (125) N quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness structure internal content ICSD 2 as reference
SHI (126) T (Turkish) quantity, quality, sleepiness structure test-retest; internal construct confirmatory major depressive
disorder per DSM-IV criteria
SHIP (127) N quantity, regularity, sleepiness internal content; construct; criterion; convergent/discriminant chronic headache per International Headache Classification
Sleep Bruxism (128) N quality
SNAKE (129) N quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene, ecology structure test-retest; internal construct;
confirmatory T-score and percentage rank for raw score per factor per ICSD-2 severe psychomotor impairment
SQI (5) P quality structure internal convergent/discriminant yes; total score ≥5 DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of insomnia by interview
P yes quantity, quality, sleepiness, structure test-retest; internal construct;
confirmatory individuals with intellectual disability
SQS-SVQ (131) AT (Turkish) quantity, regularity, ecology structure test-retest; internal criterion confirmatory sleep quality items comparable to DSM IV insomnia criteria
SRSQ (132) N quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness test-retest; internal content yes; a cutoff of 17.3
SSR (133) T (Spanish) quality, regularity, sleepiness structure internal construct; convergent/discriminant confirmatory original items per ICSD
SSR (43) T (Portuguese) quality, regularity, sleepiness internal content original items per ICSD
SSSQ (134) N quantity, regularity test-retest criterion
STBUR (135) N quality structure yes; 10.40 (1.37–218.3) for 5 items
STQ (136) P quantity, regularity convergent/discriminant
The Children's Sleep Comic (137) N quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene content; construct ICSD-2
The Children's Sleep Comic (138) P quantity, quality, regularity, sleepiness, hygiene internal content; convergent/discriminant yes; a total
intensity of sleep problem score of 9
stanine value (5±2), percentile rank and relative frequency for the raw intensity of sleep problem score ICSD-2
TuCASA (139) AT (Portuguese) yes quality internal content; convergent/discriminant
YSIS (140) NT (English) quality structure test-retest; internal face; content; construct; convergent/discriminant confirmatory yes: Normal ∶< 22 (< 70th percentile);
Mild insomnia ∶ 22 (70th percentile)−25;
Moderate insomnia/clinical insomnia ∶ 26 (85th percentile)−29;
Severe insomnia/clinical insomnia ∶≥ 30 (95th percentile
on ICSD-3 [12] and DSM-V [13] diagnostic criteria